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IYoo Software Solutions Group LTD

The Global Leader in Mobile Video Products and Services

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About Us

Every company has its "Cinderella" story about those dark times when it has just started hitting the market. Our story takes its beginning in 2013, at a small office with a few like - minded people and bottomless cups of coffee, that kept us working throughout the night when we have just started building a company with a strong idea. We strived to build a brand that will contribute to the world with useful products that empower people and make their lives easier. We still believe in it today.

  • Quality

    Helpful and simple-to-use utilities for the ever-evolving global content need.

  • Productivity

    Helpful and simple-to-use utilities for the ever-evolving global content need.

  • Problem Solver

    Helpful and simple-to-use utilities for the ever-evolving global content need.

Meet Our Team

We are the defenders of usability, champions of product consistency, and the emissaries of enjoyable human-technology interactions.